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Monday 5 April 2010

K-9: The Bounty Hunter Review (3/5)

Wait, before you get ready to go and buy the new and improved first season of the spin-off, just read this review: for its third episode K-9 does indeed build on the concept of the robot pup's memory loss and his previous travels through time and space by introducing an adversary who claims K-9 has committed murder on a galactic pacifist become coming to Earth in the future. This new twist in the dog's past does admittedly allow for a more in-depth storyline with multiple plots and arcs which could carry through to the upcoming finale, thus making "The Bounty Hunter" a far better episode than its predecessor. As I've said before though, it's easy to cringe at John Leeson's new K-9 and the lacklustre teen cast, so it's still by no means the perfect spin-off to Who, and fans will need to prepare themselves for something wholly different and less outrageous than the original source.

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