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Tuesday 18 May 2010

Doctor Who Episode 12 Title Revealed

The fifth season of "Doctor Who" is half complete in the UK, with Episode 7, "Amy's Choice", having aired last Saturday and "The Hungry Earth" due to air at 6pm on Saturday the 22nd of May. This leaves fans with just five more weeks of sci-fi goodness on Saturday evenings, with episodes such as "Cold Blood", "Vincent and the Doctor" and "The Lodger" due to continue the story arcs of this series and take the Eleventh Doctor, Amy Pond and Rory Williams on further adventures in time and space. The title of the twelfth episode of "Doctor Who" has been revealed as "The Pandorica Opens". The Pandorica has been referenced previously this season in the premiere "The Eleventh Hour", where villain Prisoner Zero stated that "the Pandorica will open, silence will fall.", so fans presume this must have something to do with the cracks appearing each week. "The Pandorica" will open on June 19th, in the first part of Steven Moffat's finale to Series 5 (the title of Episode 13 is still to be revealed...but is rumoured to be called "Enemies of a Time Lord"!)

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