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Sunday 20 June 2010

Doctor Who: The Pandorica Opens Review (5/5)

The fifth season of "Who" has had a definitively darker feel about it than its predecessors, with a general vibe of cracks in time and space caused by an exploding TARDIS and centring on Amy Pond constantly reiterated throughout. "The Pandorica Opens" finally resolved many of the plot threads established earlier, while bringing together some popular stars from Episodes 2, 3 and 4 in an admittedly self-congratulatory move by Steven Moffat in the pre-titles sequence, though this only added to what was, on the whole, the best finale-opener yet. Rory Williams (Arthur Darvill)'s reintroduction into the series seemed obvious at first, with fans speculating he had simply time-travelled through the crack, but nevertheless Darvill remained one of my favourite male companions since the series' revamp in 2005. This made it all the more shocking when Rory was unveiled to be part of an elaborate plot by the Doctor's enemies to mirror Amy's life, at which point the tension and sheer horror was upped in the final ten minutes of the story. Seeing the Doctor accused (near-rightly) by his foes as the cause of the cracks was disturbing to say the least (if not damn scary), and Amy's "death" (inverted commas as, do we really think that's the case) along with the TARDIS' destruction meant Moffat had constructed a cliff-hanger essentially greater than the much-loved or hated regeneration one of Series 4. What was most impressive for this viewer? I have absolutely no idea where the Whoniverse can go next week, and how each plot thread can be resolved- but can't wait to find out neverthless!

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