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Sunday 18 July 2010

Inception Review (4.5/5)

What the...? Why end it there? What relevance is that supposed to hold? I could easily level these pressing questions at director Christopher Nolan (who also helmed the excellent dark remake of Batman and is set to do so with the final in that trilogy) of the mind-boggingly inconclusive ending to his new sci-fi action/thriller Inception. Most of the time, such an open-ended climax (or anti-climax, rather) would make a film of this calibre lose marks, but it's the journey to that finish that counts, and Inception sends viewers on one heck of a 150-minute journey. The premise hasn't been clearly laid out in the trailers, and with good reason- many of the sub-plots and cameos included are central to the motion picture and would have been spoilt had they been shown beforehand: basically, Inception revolves around a man, Dom Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio)- who can steal secrets from people's dreams by "sharing" them- tasked with planting a crucial idea into a millionaire mind so that an empire can crumble, and a girl, Ariadne (Juno's Ellen Page), who must comfort and aid Dom while discovering his dark secrets and helping him confront them. Sounds like a lot to handle, right? Right, but wait: only if you go into the cinema unprepared. There are tons of twists and powerful revelations to be found here, some which will make you chuckle, and some you may find darn disturbing if you don't do action films usually, so you'll want to enter bearing this in mind. Ellen Page has fabulous chemistry with DiCaprio, and is far more likeable as an intelligent budding architect than her irritating pregnant teenager. Truly, Inception refuses to let up the pace at any point, and despite its irksomely vague ending, manages to be one of the best hits of 2010 so far: if any action film can top this, it'll be pretty near perfect.

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