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Saturday 17 July 2010

Rabbids Go Home Review (4.5/5)

It's safe to say that Wii owners often get the short end of the stick in multi-platform releases, often boasting worse graphics and tacky motion controls, and though there are exceptions to this rule like Toy Story 3 and Call Of Duty: World At War, Nintendo fans can now safely state that it's the exclusives Wiivians should get excited about. Proof of this comes with Rabbids Go Home, a Wii-exclusive (bar a rubbish DS companion edition) title based solely around the "Rabbids" that have been terrorising Rayman in party games for years now. The plot, like most Rayman and indeed Mario games (I'm coming to why I mentioned the latter!), is wafer-thin: apparently, the Rabbids are bored of having no home on Earth, so decide to build a giant junk pile to reach and inhabit the Moon. As I said, not very deep, but the game-play more than complements this approach. Basically, you'll go around several modern buildings and playgrounds etc trying to collect junk for the pile, and while this seems a simple task at first, after the lame tutorials "Rabbids Go Home" kicks it up a notch and makes reaching the Moon a distant and challenging target even for hardcore gamers. Casuals shouldn't worry though, as each level boasts tons of character, mocking satirically many human assets of today in a stereo-typical American city in visibly hilarious cutscenes (it's subtitled 'A Comedy Adventure' for a reason- you will laugh A LOT). Once again, the Rabbids add to this insane humour, making for a funny, challenging, diverse and utmost strong Wii exclusive which stands at a neat fifth place below (in my opinion) "Super Mario Galaxy 2"; "Super Mario Galaxy"; "Zelda Twilight Princess" and "Metroid Prime Trilogy". At just £10-15, this is one of the best casual Wii purchases any gamer could want!

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