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Monday 1 November 2010

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II Review (8/10)

Search your feelings. Are you a Star Wars fan? I'm not talking about the fan who has watched all six movies a couple of times, or who has played a few of the games; no, I'm talking about the kind of fan that fantisises about being in that universe, who discusses whether Greedo shot first or the true fate of the Emperor online EVERY DAY (yes, these people are out there). Surprisingly enough, if you are one of those, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II may not be the game you are looking for: while it boasts a superb, emotional plot of redemption and love, its general relevance to the films is at a minimum bar the inclusion of their characters, and the game ends with a few twists that, if not resolved in the tentative sequel, would shatter the canon of the saga. If, however, you merely enjoy watching the films and playing the games, then the story will help this feel amongst the most cinematic gaming experiences you will ever play on PS3 or Xbox 360. The graphics are immediately stunning for both characters and locations, the game-play- while often repetitive- is a huge step above the original (6/10) and the inclusions of new Force powers like Mind Trick add a neat dynamic to an already great engine. But wait a moment. Before you rush to the shops and shell out £40, bear in mind that Force Unleashed II consists only of 9 levels, and given the near total lack of loading screens (in Lord Vader's words "Impressive. Most Impressive") you may find yourself rushing through in 6-8 hours and feeling shortchanged. Despite that gripe, the Force Unleashed II is a worthy purchase, and if the length of the campaign can be sorted out for the final instalment in the new trilogy, then we just might get the perfect Star Wars game.

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