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Monday 1 August 2011

Bane Is Your Ally In Arkham City

As if the wait for October 21st- the day Batman: Arkham City releases here- wasn't feeling long enough already, at their ComicCon panel developer Rocksteady confirmed exciting new details on the upcoming game. First up was the absolutely thrilling revelation that fan favourite adversary Bane will be teaming up with the Dark Knight in the sequel. Bane appeared in the superb Arkham Asylum (10/10), and was last seen grasping at a crate of Titan after being plunged into the waters of Gotham by the Batmobile, but he and Batman must now work together to obtain a stache of contraband chemicals, for reasons as of yet unknown. Only Batman and the feisty Catwoman remain playable, however the chance for a team-up such as this in a seperate plotline of side missions is satisfyig enough, especially in the knowledge that side missions like these and battles against the Riddler, Victor Zsaz and Calendar Man form over 12-15 hours worth of play time, and this does not take into account the main campaign of the same length. Rocksteady reckon to complete all of Catwoman's main and side missions, you'll spend around 4 hours, so that this is only a small portion of the Caped Crusader's adventure means it's a sprawling, huge epic that every fan should be looking forward to playing through. Batman will also get a cool new gadget called the Remote Electrical Charge (REC), acting like a shotgun in dangerous close range fights, sending out a major charge to ground enemies. Alternatively, it can be used to power machinery. So far, a lot of attention seems to have been focused on the combat of Arkham City, so I hope there are still a good few stealth and detective sections thrown in for good measure, as they were what made Asylum such a hit. Batman: Arkham City is out October 21st.

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