Filming is well underway over in Spain for the Wild West Episode 3 of Doctor Who Series Seven, and as such we've got a few more details about the new run trickling out...
THE POND DEATH?- Steven Moffat has teased a "heartbreaking" climax to the stories of Amy and Rory Pond for this Autumn frequently, but he has now alluded too that this will not necessarily mean a death. "I'm not very good at killing people," he says, "I don't think the Doctor's companions should die, it spoils the fairytale a bit. But that doesn't mean I won't!"
A NEW WORLD- Online MMORPG Doctor Who: Worlds In Time has officially launched worldwide. While it's not the best, it's certainly a fun time-killer for the long Wholess months still ahead until October...
WHO DA MAN?- Doctor Who TV have conducted a survey to find out fans' Top 20 Doctor Who stories since its return in 2005- the list is as follows...
20. A Christmas Carol; 19. Dalek; 18. Bad Wolf/Parting Of The Ways; 17. Impossible Planet/Satan Pit; 16. Army Of Ghosts/Doomsday; 15. Midnight; 14. Sound of Drums/Last of the Time Lords; 13. Human Nature/Family of Blood; 12. Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone; 11. The Girl Who Waited; 10. Stolen Earth/Journey's End; 9. Girl In The Fireplace; 8. The Eleventh Hour; 7. Empty Child/Doctor Dances; 6. End of Time; 5. Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead; 4. Pandorica Opens/Big Bang; 3. Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon; 2. Doctor's Wife; 1. Blink
I'll be revealing my own Top 20 later this year nearer the Series Seven launch, but sufficed to say there'll be some major contrasts to this list!
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