I'm not going to lie- the second quarter of 2012 seems to be a bit of a stop gap period for the small screen, what with big dramas like Sherlock and Being Human done and dusted and the Olympics still elusively just out of reach. Nevertheless, there are a few shows you should definitely watch out for, and these are the five that most warrant your attention:
5. TITANIC- Although the opening instalment of this poignant historical drama wasn't all that groundbreaking, the second, third and fourth episodes of Titanic seem a lot more exciting, building towards the tragic climax that we all know is coming. Can it match Leo DeCaprio and James Cameron's epic? I doubt it, but we'll we wait and see. (April 1st, 8th and 15th)
4. BRITAIN'S GOT TALENT- We're coming towards the most interesting stages of this latest season of the UK talent show, and qualms aside, there's no denying that there will be some big twists along the way as we race along to the live final. (April-May)
3. DEREK- Ricky Gervais has returned to the small screen for a brand new comedy pilot focusing on an eccentric bunch of elderly people in a nursing home. Expect a restrained first episode with potential to grow into a full series if it gets picked up (plus a few cameos from Mr Karl Pilkington)! (April 12th)
2. GLEE- In less than a fortnight's time, we'll discover the fate of Quinn after her car crash as well as just what happened at Rachel and Finn's wedding, and then it'll be all systems go on the way to Nationals and the graduation of some members of New Directions- will there be surprises to come? You bet. (April 12th, 19th and 26th, May 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th and 31st)
1. HOUSE- Easily the most exciting series of these next three months, though, is undoubtedly House. Very soon, the show will reach its ultimate conclusion, and I for one cannot wait to see how the storylines of Greg, Taub, Chase, Foreman, the other doctors and classic returnee Thirteen are left at the end even if things aren't fully wrapped up. (April 5th, 12th, 19th and 26th, May 10th, 17th and 24th)
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