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Tuesday 1 January 2013

On-Screen: The Future Beckons

A personal message on where On-Screen will go in 2013...
So, here we are, then- 2013. It scarcely feels like a moment since I was looking back on this blog’s greatest moments in 2011, or indeed 2010, yet here we are, almost three years on from On-Screen’s debut to the world. I hope you’ve enjoyed the journey so far, as the great comments I’ve had from many of you have certainly inferred that to certainly be the case.

Firstly, I’m happy to confirm that I am not intending the journey to end here by any means. Today, as ever, you’ll see a host of dedicated news, features and reviews posts that each come with what I hope you’ll agree is an individual take on much of what goes on the entertainment industry. Indeed, this individual opinionated stance on this thriving industry is something which I want to take forward throughout the next twelve months, with further personal ‘Opinion’ features on recent developments and more reviews of indie and populist releases.

On the other hand, I’ll offer a ‘word of warning’: On-Screen will not be quite the same entertainment blog this year as it was before. By this, I don’t mean that the end is coming, because it’s not, rather that certain elements of the blog will be advanced and modified to cater both to the comments I’ve had from you and indeed to my own personal commitments. You’ll see continued coverage of my work on NSA, WhatCulture and new sites to be revealed as the year progresses, yet there’ll still be plenty of content that’s exclusive to you here, dear readers.

That ‘warning’ mostly pertains to there being a few months of the year where I reckon the blog’s format will be shaken up more than usual. There’s potential for a ‘Post A Day’ format much like the Advent Calendar 2012 later on this year, as I understand we’re all busy and only have so much time to read/write in the more hectic periods of the year as it comes. You’ll be given notice in advance for those periods and indeed of any brief hiatuses that come around the Summer months (this time the hiatus will likely entail the month of June, yet that should be just about it for 2013 breaks!), but this is just a heads-up to the small changes that will be made.

Other than that, though, enjoy! We’ll have reviews of all of 2013’s big releases such as Les Miserables, Wreck-It-Ralph, Aliens: Colonial Marines, Oz: The Great And Powerful, Tomb Raider, Gears Of War: Judgment, BioShock Infinite, Iron Man 3, The Great Gatsby, Grand Theft Auto V, Star Trek Into Darkness, Man Of Steel and Doctor Who in the year’s first half alone, and that approach will continue in the final months of the year as much as possible.

I want to wish all of the blog’s followers the very best possible year they can ever have. 2013 should be a truly stunning year for the entertainment industry, and for the blog itself, and I’ll be very glad to have you guys along with me for a journey that won’t be stopping anytime soon. Right then- onwards…

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