You really will be seeing entertainment releases heading your way left, right and centre throughout May, that I can absolutely assure you. From sci-fi comedy returns to deadly shoot-a-thons, there'll definitely be something for everyone, especially as the Summer Of Film begins to kick into high gear and the number of new games coming out ramps up too!
10. DIABLO III- Blizzard Entertainment's online RPG has been one fans have been sorely craving for years now, so for it finally to get a worldwide release post-beta is very exciting indeed! (Tuesday 15th)
9. THE DICTATOR- Will Sacha Baron Cohen's latest comedy be his most controversial and outrageous escapade yet? We'll see, but one thing's for sure- The Dictator is guaranteed to provoke undignified, almost sadly disrespectful laughs. (Wednesday 16th)
8. FABLE: HEROES- Peter Molyneux has given the all-okay signal for this kiddie Fable spin-off to retail this month, meaning that fans can accumulate points for this September's Fable: The Journey by playing through a series of fun animated mini-game competitions. (Saturday 5th)
7. GHOST RECON: FUTURE SOLDIER- Tom Clancy followers have waited almost three entire years for the latest Ghost Recon video game shooter to ship. Now it's time, everyone is pumped to see just whether Ubisoft can live up to all the hype from the various E3 showings...(Friday 25th)
6. GLEE: GRADUATION- It's not the only programme on this list to reach a finale this month, but Glee's graduation episode promises to be a tearful yet memorable farewell to much-loved characters as they move on to pastures new and the New Directions head into a startlingly different direction! (Thursday 24th)
5. MEN IN BLACK III- It has been an entire decade since Tommy-Lee Jones and Will Smith rocked our screens as the Men In Black- can they retain the magic in MIBIII? There's only one way to find out, and I frankly can't wait to do so...(Friday 25th)
4. DARK SHADOWS- Although the track record of previous Depp/Burton collaborations has been sketchy to say the least, Dark Shadows looks like an absolutely ace fantasy-comedy thanks to its celebrity all-star cast and its comedic take on Twilight's vampire genre! (Friday 11th)
3. HOUSE: EVERYBODY DIES- So what exactly does the omnious title of this series finale mean? It isn't long till we find out, but no matter what happens expect one heck of a great moment of closure to the world's best medical drama. (Thursday 24th)
2. BATMAN ARKHAM CITY: HARLEY QUINN'S REVENGE- What with all of these massive releases, it's easy for even me to forget that a brand new story DLC is coming to Batman: Arkham City in the next few weeks. Reentering the world of my Game Of The Year 2011 is easily one of the most exciting prospects of the year in entertainment as a whole. (Wednesday 30th)
1. MAX PAYNE 3- Rockstar have constantly impressed us with games like Grand Theft Auto IV, Red Dead Redemption and LA Noire, and thus I can't wait to see how they WILL revolutionise the linear shooter genre, a realm of video gaming that has been in desperate need of a reboot for some time now. Bring on one of the biggest contenders for Game Of The Year 2012! (Friday 25th)
And of course I'll be bringing you reviews of as many of these massive releases as possible straight after the hiatus ends!
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