Hello all, this'll just be a quick post. I thought whilst the blog is going strong (and as I hope it will continue to do so for the forseeable future), I'd provide you loyal followers with a quick update on where it's going to head in the next few months. For the most part, things will stay as they are, but to avoid any sudden shocks I thought I'd give a progress check before it all begins to creep up on us as 2012's later months seem to be doing worryingly fast...
IT'S A HIATUS, BUT THE MOMENT HAS BEEN PREPARED FOR- As I did last year, I'll shortly be taking a brief break from writing articles for On-Screen. This will this time only take up the early and middle weeks of May, and this time around the odds of me writing in the weekends as I did during the month-long hiatus in 2011 are pretty much nil. What I can assure you is that this should be the only major hiatus of the entire year, so once it's all done, you've got a heck of a lot to look forward to from us. Thankfully, though, I can assure you with confidence that come Friday, May 25th, we'll be back up and running with all of the exciting pieces of news, reviews etc that I'm now about to tease...
THE SUMMER OF FILM- I'll be covering this momentous event in more detail very soon (before the hiatus begins), but sufficed to say that with Battleship, Avengers Assemble- both of which I'll cover before April's over-, Dark Shadows, Men In Black III, Prometheus, Rock Of Ages, The Amazing Spider-Man, The Dark Knight Rises, The Bourne Legacy, Brave, Keith Lemon: The Movie, The Expendables 2, Ted, Neighbourhood Watch and Total Recall all on their way for starters this coming movie season, when we're back in action I'll be bringing you full reviews and press coverage of this exciting set of blockbusters to the greatest extent possible. Plus, at the end of the season (so mid-August time), I'll do a review of the overall quality of the Summer of Film, assessing the best and worst films we've seen in these upcoming three/four months.
E3 2012- One of the most exciting elements of any Summer comeback for the blog has to be the release of the flurry of news that will undoubtedly come from Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo's conferences at this year's Electronic Entertainment Expo. Will we begin to see the next-generation take shape? And if not, what other surprises do the head honchos at the three competitors have up their sleeves for their showcase? We'll find out in early June, and On-Screen will bring you all the announcements and reveals as they happen.
Q2 AWARDS/PREVIEWING Q3- Once we reach the end of June (which I'm sure will come around sooner than you expect, as always), we'll have made it through the second quarter of 2012, which will mean it's time for another round-up of the greatest releases of the past three months. Will Prometheus or Avengers Assemble scoop Best Film, or is there another surprise contender waiting in the wings? And in terms of Best Game, will The Witcher 2 Expanded Edition, Prototype 2, Max Payne 3, The Amazing Spider-Man, Ghost Recon: Future Soldier, Steel Batallion: Heavy Armour, Darksiders 2, Game Of Thrones, Diablo III or LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes scoop the award or make the Top 5 I wonder...? There'll also be the matter of Best TV Episode, Best TV Show, Best Single and many more awards to attend to, plus I'll reveal my most anticipated releases of Q3 2012 too!
WORLD EXCLUSIVES- As you hopefully will have noticed recently, our roster of Exclusives and World Exclusives has been growing exponentially with the likes of tours, preview screenings and partwork collections rated on the blog, and I don't aim for this to stop anytime soon, so when the blog returns you should expect a whole host of brand new articles you can't find details of anywhere else!
ENTER THE SECOND HALF OF 2012!- Perhaps the most thrilling part of returning with a vengeance in late May? We really will be nearing the halfway point of 2012, meaning that the Olympics, the Autumn Of Gaming and the return of Doctor Who (and Merlin!) will be pretty much imminent and news on each of them will be reaching an all-time high. Yep, from May 25th onwards, expect the biggest days yet for On-Screen. This really will be a time for the blog that you cannot afford to miss...as always, thanks for your increased frequent feedback and encouragement over on Facebook!
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