December 25th is just around the corner now, and On-Screen is entering the festive season with all of the merry vigour that this temporary period of universal goodwill warrants. Before Christmas' onslaught of festive specials, though, the entertainment industry still has a few surprises awaiting fans yet.Our 'Coming Up This Week' regular weekly feature returns from a temporary hiatus at the turning of the tide, as the dawn of a new year of entertainment brings with it a rush of titles desparate to be noticed before 2013's up.
Here's our compilation of all of the hottest releases to look out for before December 23rd:
ARROW: THREE GHOSTS- The CW's superhero drama reaches the conclusion of its latest run, in itself a climactic second half in a rather grand two-parter. Three Ghosts (a 5* episode, no less!) continues the action as Oliver Queen lies dying in his Arrowcave, with the mysterious Barry Allen enlisted to save the Arrow's life in time for his hero to thwart an oncoming deadly plot by Brother Blood and his elusive benefactor. Arrow's flashback sequences are now of paramount importance to their present day counterparts, and they've never been more crucial than they are here, with a particularly thrilling correlation of the pair resulting in one of the show's most dramatic cliffhangers yet. Roll on January...(Monday 16th, Sky1)
THE WALKING DEAD: SEASON TWO- With Tales of the Borderlands and Game of Thrones announced as their current projects, it's clear that Telltale Games have plenty on their plates right now. Their second season of The Walking Dead RPG adventures doesn't seem burdened by their other works, though- quite to the contrary, the Game of the Year potential in this series of sequels is just as prominent as their Season One predecessors, if not moreso. The Season One Game of the Year Edition retail package is now available in stores, if it's a catch-up dosage of Telltale's acclaimed series that you're looking for! (Tuesday 17th)
ANCHORMAN: THE LEGEND CONTINUES- "You stay classy, Planet Earth!" Ten years ago, Ron Burgundy signed off from his beloved first big-screen outing with these bold sentiments, and now he's back to finish the job with The Legend Contiues. A fully-fledged sequel to Anchorman, the second chapter packs an almighty ensemble cast, including amongst their ranks Will Ferrell, Steve Carrell, Paul Rudd, Kristen Wiig, Harrison Ford, Sacha Baron Cohen and many more to be revealed. Provided that viewers head in with levelled expectations of the follow-up to what has been called the greatest comedy of our time, then Anchorman 2 should be nothing less than a smash success, the classiest instalment of the "legend" of Burgundy yet. (Wednesday 18th)
AND THERE'S MORE- One Direction: This Is Us, We're The Millers and Borgen Series 3 all land on DVD and Blu-Ray this week, or alternatively, why not catch The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug at cinemas if you missed it over the weekend?
AND NEXT WEEK...The Doctor faces his final battle at Trenzalore, his twelve regenerations depleted and his demise already foreseen, as Doctor Who's 2013 Christmas Special, The Time of the Doctor, premieres on BBC One on Christmas Day. On top of that, new festive episodes of Trollied, Downton Abbey, Call The Midwife and Nan will air next week, along with the first episode of the Jenna Coleman-starring sequel to Pride & Prejudice, Death Comes to Pemberley!
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