The BBC have today released a series of promotional pictures for Doctor Who's 2013 Christmas Special. Titled The Time of the Doctor, the 60 minute-episode will mark the final appearance of Matt Smith as the Doctor and the first appearance of Peter Capaldi in the role.
You'll see the images for yourself below, but let's analyse that explosive promotional poster first and foremost. Featured on the artwork are the Silence, the Cybermen (one of whom finds his head a little worse for wear...namely, it's been dismembered), the Daleks, the Weeping Angels and even a pair of Sontaran battle cruisers. Could this mean that The Pandorica Opens' Alliance will return? It's not outside the realms of possibility, as Steven Moffat is teasing that the elusive phrase "Silence Will Fall" will be unravelled along with plenty of ongoing mysteries from the Smith era of the show set to unlock on December 25th!
Doctor Who returns with its heartbreaking Christmas Special, The Time of the Doctor, on Christmas Day.

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