Warner Brothers Pictures have today released the final theatrical trailer for their impending science-fiction thriller film Transcendence. Scheduled for release at the dawn of this year's Summer of Film, Wally Pfister's latest blockbuster delves into the murky territory of humanity's obsession with its near-omnipotent technologies and developing them to the extent that they can think for themselves (think Her but with a post-apocalyptic twist!).
What's really going to pull in the audiences in two months' time, however, is the all-star cast bringing Transcendence to life (a metaphor which will prove rather apt once you've seen the trailer, below): Pirates of the Caribbean's Johnny Depp, Iron Man 3's Rebecca Hall, The LEGO Movie's Morgan Freeman, The Dark Knight Rises' Cilian Murphy, The Wolf of Wall Street's Paul Bettany and House of Cards' Kate Mara are all attached to the project, no doubt ensuring that this will be a box office outing that fares more along the lines of Pirates than last year's The Lone Ranger for Depp. If not, well, we're sure that the man who gave us Jack Sparrow has more than enough earnings to keep him content at this stage...
Transcendence boots up in cinemas worldwide on April 18th.
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