Ubisoft Entertainment have today announced the censorship of over two minutes of gameplay content from their upcoming RPG South Park: The Stick of Truth. Based on Matt Stone and Trey Parker's iconic Comedy Central animated series, this current-gen exclusive title has undergone a taxing development cycle, but after countless delays, the product recently went gold and is confirmed to release next month.
When it does ship in the UK, though, seven 20-second mini-games will be omitted from the main campaign. These sections apparently included images involving abortion and anal probes (yes, really!), and as such were censored by the British Board of Film Classification before they could be displayed in the UK version of the game. In their place will be a black screen with white text describing what would have occurred in these controversial miniaturised interactive sequences. Not since the infamous 'No Russian' level in 2009's Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 have we seen such an explicit alteration to the presentation of supposedly inappropriate content in a video game, yet even if it would have attracted criticism from some quarters of the British gaming community, surely it's up to us as to whether we desire to see said sequences or not? Either way, in this instance the choice is being taken out of our hands altogether. It seems that YouTube will provide the only means through which we can experience the 2 minutes and 40 seconds that our copies of Stick of Truth lack!
South Park: The Stick of Truth retails on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC this March 7th.
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