I really can't envisage any other month of 2012 packing in just as many great releases as March looks to do from tomorrow onwards- so much so, that my regular 'Top 5 Most Anticipated Releases' feature wouldn't suffice, as I need ten slots just to mention the biggest and best releases coming up! So without further ado, here's the list in full...
10. WRATH OF THE TITANS- Okay, so Clash of the Titans wasn't fantastic; I'm still looking forward to seeing rising star Sam Worthington kick some Greek mythology's ass when this clashes with cinemas everywhere. (March 30th)
9. STREET FIGHTER X TEKKEN- The first of two big crossover fighter games this year, here Capcom have taken their trademark cartoony Street Fighter franchise and added a load of fighters from Namco Bandai's Tekken series to make things very interesting! (March 9th)
8. BEING HUMAN- This epic fourth season of the killer fantasy drama begins to roll towards its devestating climax of all-out war this month. Be prepared, because not everyone will make it out alive...(March 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th)
7. DOCTOR WHO: SHADA- A lost Tom Baker Who story originally penned by Douglas Adams has now been resurrected by the magnificent Gareth Roberts in novel-form. I can't wait to see how Roberts deals with the sci-fi themes of the 70s in a modern style of writing. (March 15th)
6. GLEE- Glee is regularly a guilty pleasure of mine, what with its cheesy covers and stereotypical melodrama, but I can't deny that I'm eagerly anticipating the show's return to Sky1 tomorrow, seeing as there are some big twists on the way for the New Directions! (March 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th)
5. SKULDUGGERY PLEASANT: THE END OF THE WORLD- You have got to love World Book Day, especially when it brings you a neat short Pleasant novella to expand on the ending of Death Bringer and tease us for the full seventh book due out in September. (March 1st)
4. JOHN CARTER- As I've already said today, John Carter is looking like an epic science-fiction fantasy from Disney with a lot of potential for thrills and dangers galore! (March 9th)
3. THE HUNGER GAMES- For sure, this WILL be an epic science-fiction fantasy: Suzanne Collins' novel The Hunger Games is a fantastic piece of teenage fiction, one rife for the picking of a film franchise, so I can't wait to see it on the big screen to see how well Lionsgate have handled it. (March 23rd)
2. DARA O'BRIAN: CRAIC DEALER- Yep, one of a good few World Exclusives on your way from On-Screen next month is my definitive verdict on the hilarious Dara O'Brian's live tour. I am hugely looking forward to seeing this funny man in action, plus rating it here in full.
1. MASS EFFECT 3- Easily one of the biggest games of the year, and my Most Anticipated Game of 2012 to boot, those accolades aren't making the wait for the next eight days any easier, but they're propelling me and thousands of other gamers towards March 9th, where we'll finally discover just how our individual Shepherd's story will culminate. Expect tears and shocks galore! (March 9th)
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