The BBC have today released the first official image of Peter Capaldi in costume as the Twelfth Doctor in their science-fiction drama Doctor Who. Currently filming the eighth season of the show since its revival in 2005, the production team have kept glimpses of Capaldi on-set to an absolute minimum for fear of images leaking of the new Time Lord's costume ahead of schedule.
Take a look for yourself below- rather suave, don't you think? In the first episode of the new season, the renowned The Thick of It star will continue to don the attire of his predecessor for a time, before seemingly being too pressed for time (the irony of which is surely not lost on a time traveller) to change out of his nightshirt upon leaving his bed-chambers and mounting a Victorian horse. To us, Capaldi's attire appears to harken back to Jon Pertwee's costume, not least in the photography of his jacket placing an emphasis on its bold red innards. A slight sense of deja vu here and there doesn't detract from the relief of finally knowing that the next Doctor won't carry a question mark-adorned umbrella, of course. Indeed, that Matt Smith's garbs were partially akin to Patrick Troughton's did little to prevent the viewership from taking his incarnation into their hearts within moments of his on-screen début in 2010.
Doctor Who will return to BBC One for a new series of interdimensional adventures this Autumn.

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